08 November 2005

Me and Matt just got back from Delaware.

The Delaware River, that is. We decided to ride there tonight and hang out and explore some shit.

Today was Monday, I woke up 6 minutes after my first class started, turned on the TV to see that the transit strike was over, grabbed an orange juice pack from the fridge and rode to school.

Monday at 12:30 is Chinese food lunch time for me and Jared. Worked in the library, then in the production studio for a little while.

I got out of night class tonight over an hour early, and decided it was a good time to take some pictures and stop in H&M. I got a t-shirt there.

Then me and Matt went for a ride and I got back in time to watch most of Seinfeld, which is always a good thing.

Northwest Corner of Rittenhouse Square, looking East.

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